mardi 20 juillet 2010

Desengagement complet et total de Gaza.

Dans un Mail précèdent je rappelais l'initiative attribué au Ministre israélien des Affaires étrangers, selon laquelle Israël en coopération avec l'UE, cesserait tout lien avec la bande de Gaza, fermant complètement sa frontière avec elle de sorte que Gaza serait liée au Monde extérieur par son port maritime et sa frontière avec l'Egypte.
Cette initiative a été critiquée en Israël et à l'Etranger comme découlant d'une position de la Droite israélienne (voir Le Figaro du 17 juillet).
Et pourtant c'est là une solution logique et souhaitable qui a le soutien aussi bien de certains cercles de Gauche comme l'a exprimé dernièrement le journaliste du quotidien "Haaretz" Akiba Eldar que par les milieux académiques en Israël .
Ci bas, pour exemple, l’extrait d'une étude publiée le 30 juin dernier par le "Centre de Recherche Begin -Sadate (BESA) for strategic studies" sous le titre "Gazans Deserve a Better Future" :

"...The recent decision of the Israeli government to ease its blockade on the Gaza Strip works more in favor of strengthening Hamas rule than it does toward advancing Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. The international pressure that led to this move indicates a gross misunderstanding of Israel's right to self-defense as well as a grave misperception as to Israel's responsibilities as a non-occupying power. It is clear that the international community has succumbed to the anti-Israel propaganda war.

...Instead of easing the blockade, the Israeli government should have announced its intention to exercise its sovereign right to close the border with Gaza and to halt the transfer of any goods to its enemy within several months. Israel must make clear to the world that it refuses to accept responsibility for the welfare of Gazan residents, particularly since they are employing violence against the Jewish state.

The period of time leading up to the actual border closure should be used to establish alternative routes of supply via Egypt, which also borders Gaza. Egypt is unlikely to welcome such a development because it prefers to keep the Gaza hot potato in Israel's lap. However, the Egyptians are much more adept at dealing with the Gazans, whom they ruled in the past using Arab methods. The Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere are not only Israel's problem, but constitute a regional headache. Therefore, responsible Arab actors should take part in addressing this issue ."

Prof. Ephraim Inbar ,"Besa".

Dr Zvi TenneyAmbassador of Israel

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